12 March 2008

Allah created me

I didn't know what I wanted to write may be because I'm already saying what is deep inside me these days to every one I meet.......but I knew that there is may be some thing or two i forgot to talk about deep inside so I thought that I should share it with u my diary. I'm a Human.......yeah i kinda realised that recently... and I also noticed that i'm Allah's creature....Allah created me, gave me potentials, power, wisdom, skills and built-in guidance system. I always say that Allah granted us with such a powerful tool, a tool is ignored or not being seen as such a useful tool, that tool is the wisdom to know the difference, the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, useful and harmful. Although we may notice that tool, we may confuse while using it cuz we didn't specify and clarify the very basic reference for our lives. For every action in our lives must be refered to the deep values and principles we live for, so in order to have full control that allah granted us we have to: 1- Define who Am I? values and principles. 2- Define what You want? goals, vision and mission. Make THAT your code in life....to achieve THAT goal , to be there in THAT vision walking to there knowing your values and principles not breaking them or avoiding them.....In my Point of View i see it as a recipe for a good life, Why? cuz it's the life u want with out breaking any rules........and what about the problems facing u?......that will be our next discussion so i can find some thing to start with.

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