29 October 2008

Another sense of happiness

It feels kinda good when you are not skipping your job to stay at home.. No, actually you have days off and you enjoy them staying at home playing your favorite games, eating your favorite foods.
No studying or exams nearby to disturb each and every minute of your life, No BiG responsibilities yet except for yourself not any one else...
 Recently after the Post "Playing Solo" I decided something, I kinda know that I may contradict with my self and do otherwise later, but i decided to limit my life circles alittle, or to limit my focus groups... 
1-Career: that's what I do now, what I will do and what will help me in both (courses, skills....etc).
2-Tarek as a life: trying new stuff (for example every one said that costa better than cilantro, now i can really enjoy talking about both cuz I ACTUALLY went to both) before i was just listening and telling my self u can contribute in this conversation...By the way costa cappucino isn't that good...
YES I will go out, I will spend all of my salary, I will try to be diffrent in some aspects...
ALL of that, this decision this new .....LIFE.....makes me feel happy, makes me feel delighted..
This makes me feel Free....we 3ala ra2y 3ammena William Wallas.. FREEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOM... :D

16 October 2008

let's go OUT

فى محاولتى الدائمة لمعرفة ما اريده بالتحديد.. شعرت برغبة قوية فى الخروج..الخروج من اين من المدينة المليئة بالأفكار المتناقضة والاراء المتعارضة. المليئة بالقرارات المتسرعة والاختيارات المتعددة ..أريد أن أخرج من راسي ومن تفكيري ...
لقد نجحت فى السنين الماضية فى تكوين طارق التابعي خارجيا اما بالنسبة للداخل فهو كالكائن المشوه الذى لم تظهر ملامحه بعد اما بسبب تشويه حدث له من قبل او ببساطه بسبب انه ليس جاهز لان يكون كاملا بعد...
لقد نجحت فى تكوين اكثر من دور العبه..فانا العب دور الضعيف المحتاج لشخص يحكي له عن الامه واماله...همومه وافراحه...وفى نفس الوقت دور القوي الوحيد المعتمد على نفسه الغير راغب فى مساعدة الاخرين له والذي يبعدهم عنه بملء ارادته...
اريد الخروج والتفكير من بعد آخر ...بُعدٌ لا ارى فيه نتائج تفكيرى بُعٌد اتصرف فيه بعفوية بريئة...
اريد الا اكون هنا....أريد ان اشعر بفرحي وحزنى .. اريد ان اتنفس واحس بالحياة...
اريد الااقلق بعد الان..........
اشعر دائما عندما ادرك مااريد انى اطلب ابسط الاشياء فلم اطلب ابدا شيئا مستحيلا او صعبا اوكثيرا دائما ارضى بالقليل....فهل ماأطلبه كثير هذه المرة اعتقد انه بسيط نسبيا ولكن فى حين الوقت صعب التحقيق.......
اريد ان اكون انا...اريد ان اكون انا ولو للحظات فأتذوق معنى الهويّة واتذوق معنى الحياة واتذوق معنى من انا....

Playing Solo!!!!

Hey, my name is Tarek Mohamed E-Tabey, was born in imbaba, raised in Sharm el-Shiekh..
I used to be the first on class (alone) till someone said once that you only get high grades cuz ur mother working in the same school... Now That pissed me off, I focused my mind else where other than getting high grades and i wanted to achieve some reputation as a COOL guy in prep school...task done (alone)... high school came wanted to experience love and other stuff, been there tried that.. the thing is I DID ALL THAT ALONE,
4our damn years in university alone, sick, hungry thirst whatever alone no one to care no one to ask. and I hell yeah graduated good grads all alone....no body alive helped me, all this time Allah was watching over me, then the lost souls of my ever-changing personality and then ME, alone...
U see?I Actually get things done when i'm all alone,,,then let it fu**en be,,from here F**en on, i will work solo, achieving dreams for me, reaching greatness for me.
 sharing life? sorry not available at the moment, Tarek El-Tabey shall rise again above the insufferable pains of love and hate and these weak bonds that ties every one togeather...

15 October 2008

No Girls Allowed

you know what i hate most, when i NEED some one it's the straight exact meaning  for the word (WEAK) i hate being weak.
I mean i walk in streets or in work i find girls and say, tarek eventually u're going to get married u're muslim youngman after all, so aren't u going to look for some one..
okey start searching, now how would u like ur future wife to be like? oh damn like i have nothing to do except thinking of that,,,,
Do u have any idea what i shall do now in my life?
I should Study HR, i should read more and educate my self, i should focus on my job, i should damn get back to how i was when i started the way of allah....AND here i am still thinking of girls..
that's what i hate about love, it's so.......ATTACHING me to someone else, i mean yeah it's good and romantic and so, but it's kinda hard and heart breaking thing, so i've just came up my mind, yeah tha's me fast and irrational decisions,,,,FROM HERE ON I WILL PLAY SOLO!!!