-Wants to get a job, what job, where and when, how much is the salary, good environment or not? For one like methe problem that I like every thing and I can cope with anything, most pple see that as an advantage, but here comes the main problem, I'm AFRAID TO LOSE, to lose what? every thing.
I'm afraid that I accept a job and do very good at it but then I lose my control over my goals because it doesn't cope with my goals.
-Wants to marry? REALLY??!!! Yeah, after all I'm a muslim youngman, right? it's been four years since I've trully and ACTUALLY been in love with someone from the opposite sex, and I guess this is the right time to handle such thing,but here it comes the main prob. Afraid to lose control, I love waking up in the morning don't have anything to decide, Speaking about marriage means speaking for choosing the perfect one for you, and WOW if u found her, afraid to approach afraid to lose if she was a colleague.
You're even afraid that you may not be ready for such decision...
What is the solution????????????????!!!!!!!!
TRY TO GET RID OF YOUR FEARS AND BREAK THROUGH THEM, and pray to Allah subhanahu wata3alla to make your decisions right and good...
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